Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Goal Setting for the New Year

The prospect of setting goals as a business owner can be both daunting and exciting. It is exciting to look forward and think about what you want to achieve both personally and as a business over the next 12 months, however the prospect of significant changes and large projects can make the upcoming year seem quite intimidating as well.
We have a few tips and tricks for setting goals that you can implement yourself or share with someone else. These can be great tools if you are a business advisor or in a field manager role, looking to help business owners and franchisees plan their year ahead.

Take a holistic approach
The first thing is, it is important not just to focus on things hat you want to achieve within the business, but consider how you want to grow personally as well. Taking a balanced approach is best with, well, anything in life and this is no exception. Taking the time to think about how you want each part of your life to evolve throughout the year and in what ways these goals align and possibly overlap with each other. Focusing on personal growth can often allow you to achieve more and perform better in other aspect of your life, even in ways that you may not expect.

Put it on paper
Next, it is important to be held accountable. Sharing your goals with others and putting them down on paper gives you a place to reference and remind you where you wanted to go. The psychological impact of writing down goals is significant, with a Harvard study finding those who do so are three times more successful in meeting them. This is due to the way our brain filters messages and activates the Reticular Activating System (RAS).
The RAS aids in classifying incoming messages as urgent and non-urgent and helps us identify opportunities to act based upon that messages. Writing is an effective way of communicating with this RAS function and helps cement goals in our minds, making us more likely to recall and work toward them, whether consciously or subconsciously.

Make SMARTER Goals
This is likely something you have heard before, but we cannot stress the importance of making goals that are thought out and achievable. The SMART acronym stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound, and is designed to help people clarify their ideas and spend some time thinking about what they really want to achieve. Some have also suggested adding ‘ER’ the end of the acronym to represent evaluated and reviewed – because it is important to consider things change over time.

It can be quite discouraging to feel like you are working so hard towards a goal that you just can’t seem to meet, and unfortunately that can be the result of unrealistic goal setting. This is why adopting a structured approach can aid in finding the perfect balance between a goal that requires a little stretching but isn’t completely out of reach.

Don’t Use Deadlines
Whilst it may seem counter intuitive, setting hard deadlines for big goals can actually be detrimental to your ability to achieve them. Rather, it is more effective to break down a big project into smaller tasks and work towards those. Big deadlines can become overwhelming and adopt a very ‘all or nothing’ approach. However, by breaking down your goals you can work towards them gradually and even get a boost of motivation by tracking your overall progress.

Be Ready to Accept Failure
Not to bring the mood down, but if nothing the past year has taught us that life can throw you a curve ball at any moment. It is important to be real with yourself that you might not tick of everything on your list, or it may not be in the way you initially thought or the timeframe you decided.
When setting goals it is important to work within spaces that you can control, and acknowledge that even within those spaces outside forces can have an impact. As they say, the only certain thing in life are death and taxes – so make sure that you manage the risks and get real with yourself about what you can and can’t guarantee.

This post titled Goal Setting for the New Year first appeared on:

How To Maintain Corporate Culture Without Social Events?

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on what the working day looks like for many Australians, and for people across the globe with offices left empty, zoom meetings commonplace, and work-related social events off the table for the majority of the year. Shifting from office spaces being the epicenter of organizational activity to a network of work from home employees has been a difficult transition for some, with team members missing out on the vital social component of office life.

Even as restrictions eased within individual states, travel bans made is difficult for teams to come together and celebrate after the year that was 2020. With such social events making up the heart of many organizations cultural calendar, we explore how to maintain a positive corporate culture when getting together for some good old-fashioned bonding just isn’t possible.

Whilst the pandemic situation continues to improve here in Australia, there is no doubt that the habits established over the past year will shape the future of business operations. Remote working and flexible arrangements will become more conventional, and as a result organizational leaders will have to think innovatively about how they create a cohesive group and bond their team together with a collective culture.

The first step is to change the way we approach corporate culture and its management. Sadly, for many teams ‘culture’ is often set and forget, with a list of company values posted on the wall not to be mentioned again until the annual meeting. However, as people and companies are ever-evolving, so should be corporate culture. The most powerful and everlasting cultures are ones which are fully embraced by employees in their everyday actions, and one that guides the direction of leadership in their decision making.

However, embracing this culture isn’t just up to the employees themselves. It is the responsibility of management and leaders within the organization to ensure the culture is developed in a collaborative way so that it is a true reflection of the team and create opportunities to solidify these shared beliefs.

So how can this be achieved with all the barriers that are in place because of the pandemic? Well, it all begins by taking every chance to show your employees that the organization is sticking by their values even when things get tough. People look to leaders and take cues about the company culture based upon their actions and choices. Therefore, leaders should actively seek way to display to employees that their core values remain unshaken despite change, leading the way for employees to do the same.

This could come in many forms depending on what the team’s values are, but could mean offering additional support resources for employees, engaging in corporate social responsibility through donation or volunteering, or even something as simple as actively seeking feedback from employees and asking how they feel the company can better uphold their values.

The concept of a collaboratively developed culture that centers around employee input and feedback is key and will help leaders in maintaining it despite disruptions to the workplace. Corporate culture is often described as a competitive advantage, but only if it is unique and irreplicable. By bringing your team together to help shape your culture you get an individuality that cannot be duplicated, because it is a unique blend of everyone that makes up the organization.

Once this culture is developed, it will grow and evolve as the business does. However, leaders do have a significant influence over how it is managed, and this is achieved through managing the behaviors that shape culture, rather than the culture itself. Validating positive actions and discouraging negative ones is an important part of this, which has been made increasingly difficult throughout the pandemic due to the distance between leaders and their team.

This is where communication comes in. Though we cannot be together in person there is ample opportunity for increased communication between team members, and this provides the perfect platform to discuss culture. Corporate culture is more effective when it is discussed openly and on a regular basis, and this is something leaders can do well despite the pandemic. This means being willing to discuss when the company gets it right, as well as when they get it wrong.

Remaining connected with employees through frequent and meaningful communication will minimize any erosion of corporate culture. By opening the door for a two-way conversation companies can continue to recognize employees who live up to their values whilst addressing any concerns that are present.

In lieu of the spontaneous social moments that can happen in a shared environment, organizational leaders must help facilitate social experiences despite a disrupted workplace. This could mean a weekly team meeting where there wasn’t one, with a focus on sharing personal stories rather than work updates, or it could mean hosting zoom happy hours on a Friday afternoon for those who wish to join.

There may also be requirements to address employees needs in a different way. While a teams physical and mental health should always be of importance to managers and leaders, more emphasis should be placed on this when undergoing significant change. The pandemic took a toll on many people and the way in which each person recharges and recovers will vary, but how can we expect employees to make the best choices when they are not feeling their best. Organization’s may approach this in different ways depending on their preference and capabilities, but there is plenty of ways that they can help.

This can mean being more understanding when it comes to the personal struggles team members may be facing. By leaders communicating that there is flexibility in these unprecedented times employees will feel more comfortable in acknowledging their needs and asking for help is desired. Management should also try implementing new patterns and processes that better suit the new environment, for example avoiding zoom fatigue by keeping meetings short and sharp at 15 minutes max.

It Is important to remember that while the way we manage corporate culture may look a little different as a result of the pandemic, it is no excuse not to invest time and energy maintaining it. In-fact, research found that across Culture 500 companies (those who live and breathe their corporate culture), average culture ratings actually went up in March and April right when the pandemic hit. The most notable change was an increase in comments around communication and integrity, specifically positive praise for leaders who engaged in honest and transparent communication in the wake of the pandemic. So let’s take a cue from the best of the best, and strive to excel in difficult times by taking a step back and really thinking about how our organizations can create and fuel a culture that guides, inspires, and supports our teams.

This post titled How To Maintain Corporate Culture Without Social Events? was first seen on:
CashFlow It Group

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

How To Step-Up Your Recruitment Marketing

Talent acquisition is a competitive environment and for organizations looking to secure new team members a thought-out recruitment marketing strategy is vital. Modern recruitment marketing starts above the top of the funnel and doesn’t only involve engaging with applicants, but capturing the attention of anyone who may be considering a new career opportunity.

Attracting qualified talent is the first stage of recruitment marketing, and you don’t just have to be playing in spaces where job seekers look. Expanding your recruitment marketing efforts to capture the attention of high performing individuals who may not be actively seeking a new role broadens your audience and increases the potential of finding a great fit for your team.

Whilst traditionally many people view the recruitment process as a way for applicants to showcase their merits, however now it is just as important (if not more) that the organization sells themselves to prospective employees. Many applicants are considered passive, meaning that they aren’t necessarily scrolling job listings and sending our resumes. However, if you were to create interest in potential opportunities by showcasing your company culture and making yourself a desirable employer you are likely to receive more, and higher quality, applications.

Firstly, we look at how to generate that interest. As an employer you may know all the brilliant things about working at your company, but it is important that you have an effective communications strategy to help prospects realize these things as well. Your organizations digital presence is at the heart of this, with the vast majority of job seekers conducting their research online. It is more important than ever to have a strong social media presence that gives an insight into exactly what it is like to be a part of your team, backed up a website which provides more informative content about opportunities, benefits, and application process.

This window into your workplace can be achieved by sharing authentic content with plenty of team pictures, team achievements, and anything else that showcases your organizations culture. This should be supported by a thorough recruitment page on your website which gives potential applicants all of the key information they want to see before beginning the recruitment process. This whole process comes under the umbrella of employer branding is should be a joint effort before Marketing and HR.

When it comes to advertising any open positions, effective recruitment marketing means incorporating a multi-channel approach. Digital advertising is the most popular choice here, as companies can easily list and receive applications through third-party platforms such as Seek and Indeed. However, this should be paired with a social media recruitment drive to ensure that you are reaching people where they spend most of their time. As we mentioned before, not everyone is actively searching meaning it can be harder to reach top-tier talent.

Further, you should be utilizing your network of existing employees by asking them to share news of any vacancies via word of mouth. The likelihood is that your current team have connections through their personal, professional, and educational networks that could be a good fit. You can incentivize this through recruitment bonuses and help encourage your team to spread the word.

From here, it is important to keep applicants engaged and informed throughout the application process. Even if they don’t receive the roll at the end, they may have great potential for a future opening, so it is important to ensure that they have a positive experience. Ensure that communications are timely and relevant, and most importantly be sure to let unsuccessful prospects know the outcome of their application – nothing is worse than being left in limbo.

Asking applicants about their experience throughout the recruitment process, what drew them to your organization, and whether they would apply again in the future can provide valuable insights and help your team identify strong and weak points.

There is a lot to take on board here, and for some small companies implementing a thorough recruitment marketing strategy can be a significant task. There are a range of third-party resources and services available that can aid in just one part of the process or handle it for you from beginning to end. Recruitment marketing is an ever-changing activity, so explore through trial and error what works for your organization and be sure to take on board feedback from applicants and current employees.

This post called How To Step-Up Your Recruitment Marketing was first published here: